Stacks market: Stacking DAO Partnership

Zest Protocol and Stacking DAO join forces to boost Stacks DeFi


minute read

March 7, 2024

Tycho Onnasch

Stacking DAO is the LST on Stacks. It's one of the largest DeFi protocols on Stacks with >$70m TVL. Users mint stSTX for their STX in order to participate in DeFi without foregoing native yield.

Stacking DAO is running the most successful points programme on Stacks right now. Users earn 1 point per stSTX minted per day. As part of the Zest Protocol partnership, users who supply stSTX to StackingDAO earn 50% extra points on Stacking DAO.

As of today, already over $4m of stSTX has been supplied to Zest Protocol.

To take part:

  1. Mint stSTX with STX on
  2. Head to and secure early access.
  3. Supply stSTX on
  4. Watch points accrue on

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