Protect your Bags from the Bears with Zest Protocol
minute read
August 1, 2024
Tycho Onnasch

Leeor Shimron over at StackingDAO has a fantastic Twitter thread on the gains made by holding STX over BTC since January 2021.
TL;DR: STX holders could have made 435% gains vs 124% by holding BTC. Stacks maxis winning as usual!
I mention this thread because it says something really interesting about stacking rewards (passive APY) factored into the STX gains:

That’s an additional 117% gain just by holding liquid stacked stSTX to earn passive yield on your STX. Imagine having that much downside protection on your Stacks assets. By depositing into Zest Protocol, you can help offset losses caused by prices going down!
Depositing stSTX into Zest currently earns you 0.02% APY on top of the 9.75% APY passively earned just by holding stSTX.
That’s almost 10% in yearly downwards price protection, not including the non-monetary benefits of StackingDAO + Zest Points!

Borrowing on Zest Protocol can also allow you to short Stacks assets, allowing you to profit from bearish days. The only stipulation here is if you make profit from shorting, you have to max bid back in or else the Zest Intern will find you🫵
The bottom line is that holding your assets in Zest Protocol is a much better bet than letting tokens sit in your wallet idly, not earning anything. If you are a true Stacks chad bull - then we both know you’re not selling.

It definitely doesn’t hurt to benefit from passive yield and get showered with protocol points while hodling your assets! Don’t wait anon, the bears are relentless: deposit today!
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And as usual, stay zesty🍊